Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wodarg's Updated Q&A

At this point much of my blogging "work" has involved reproducing the content on Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg's website, because I think he remains one of the very few experts who is asking the right questions and coming to the most reasonable conclusions. Even those scientists and doctors who are doing their part to put this year's flu wave into the proper perspective seem to accept several underlying assumptions, the most important of which is the alleged novelty of the corona virus (SARS-CoV2) and the disease which it causes, COVID-19.

Because of his vital role in denouncing the H1N1 swine flu pandemic as a hoax, Dr. Wodarg is correct to name the WHO as the bad actor once again. It is the age-old tale of corruption and fraud.

Without further ado, here is the Q&A from (translated using Google, with my emphasis):

1. Have you encountered specific types of fraudulent behaviour in your system, related to this crisis
2. Have you made a risk analysis to be prepared for fraudulent behaviour, related to this crisis?

Sorry, but more and more I have the impression, that the Covid-19 alert is a an agenda based on fraud.

Obviously there is no extraordinary risk coming from viruses. But there are very severe consequences in regard to depression, isolation and neglectance of frail people who get worse and die because the don't get the support they are dependent on.

Viruses are new each year and there are victims in flu seasons each year. Each year coronoviruses have their share of about 5-15% of it. We just did not count and test it! There were more in 2016/17 and there also were very big problems in hospitals in some of our member countries. As an epidemiologist I was examining the (H1N1) Swineflu fake in 2009/2010 for the Council of Europe and we detected the institutional corruption within WHO/OMS.

Virologists are the fear mongers again, telling us about dangerous genetic shifts and drifts.

What if the "in-house tests", that they provide, to indicate the spread of the virus, turns out not to be specific enough? It is already reported, also to detect SARS subtypes in bats, tigers and dogs? But those are viruses that are circulating years before the recent Alarm in Wuhan.

The alarmists just don't speak about immunology, about children who are made to experience hundreds of new viruses in kindergartens every year and about the importance of herd immunity. (See Prof. Knut Wittkowski)

Mongering their unapproved tests and dangerous pandemic drugs or vaccinations, they need our fear to urge and to avoid evidence-based examination of risk and benefit.

We now experience a much worse consequence of institutional corruption than in 2009 or before. This should be a main topic for all fighting corruption and fraud.

3. I am curious what you think about different numbers of deaths in connection with COVID-19 for example in Germany versus Italy.
If there would really be a new and dangerous virus, it would be equally dangerous in every city and every country.

In those places, where fear and panic is shaping the behaviour of patients and medical professionals, there we see the biggest damage.

Important is, that most of the patients that died, are very old and over 90 % had severe other illnesses they died from. In Hamburg (about 2 Mio. inhabitants) every patient, who died with a positive test is examined by pathologists. Up to now, not a single case was found to die from Covid-19. (Prof. Püschel)

In regions, where the treatment is less aggressive (no immediate ventilators and ICU but palliative care and, if necessary, oxygen) even more old people with dispnoe [shortness of breath] recover.

From New York I see the consequences of a health system, that is built to earn money. I am very sorry for the poor, old and frail people in that brutal system. All official information coming from US seems to be flawed by political strategies of the candidates before election. Some direct voices of doctors also give witness of inadequate treatment procedures especially for old patients.

I am very much concerned,

1. that it is possible to use not officially validated PCR-tests for Coronaviruses;

2. that the "danger" is defined on a molecular level instead on public health and epidemiological data;

3. that we have WHO/OMS which is run by earmarked money from B&M Gates foundation and similar interests;

4. that there are no open discussions in official media nor questions from parliaments about the indication and effectiveness of lockdown and social distancing;

5. that herd immunity is weakened by closing schools and kindergartens although there is not any evidence, that children's health could be more endangered by any virus than usually;

6. that Bill Gates announced in state television in Germany, that "we" (who?) are preparing a "fast track vaccine to vaccinate 7 billion people" (we know "them" from the swine flu case!)

But your question was about the regional/national differences in number and severeness of cases attributed to Covid 19.

In extended my answer a little bit ;-) because I wanted to point out some factors, that not only in Italy might give reason to what we observe, or better, what we are presented by media.

I hope that we can stop this nightmare.

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