Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dr. Wodarg - Important Updates (aka leeches)

In light of anecdotal evidence that the illness named COVID-19 is not caused by a seasonal viral pneumonia (i.e., a common corona virus) (see here), Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg writes the following:
I recommend an immediate stop and a thorough reconsideration of the use of chloroquine and high doses of vitamin-C for treatment or prophylaxis of Covid-19!
A young Dr. in an intensive care unit (ICU) in New York made an important observation.  
He experienced several patients, that did not show any typical symptoms of pneumonia but nevertheless they were extremely breathless (dyspnoeic) and cyanotic (blue skin). "They were no Covid-19 patients, they looked like passengers of an airplane at high altitude loosing pressure."

My warning follows my following observations:
Chroroquine and high doses of vitamin-C are known to damage the function of erythrocytes in case of a lack of Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase (G6PD-Mangel/ Favism), which is the most frequent enzyme-defect worldwide.
It is inherited and the responsible genes are located on the X-chromosome.
As women have two X-chromosomes one of them might be ok. and they are less vulnerable.
Men only have one X-chromosome and are endangered more, if this carries the defect.
Most of the carriers of this genetic defect are found in countries where malaria is, or used to be endemic.
So citizens with ancestors from such regions are endangered to suffer from a lack of oxygene and dyspnoea when taking chloroquine derivates or high doses of vitamin-C.
It is likely, that this effect is more frequent in countries with higher prevalence of favism and in regions with many migrants from those countries. 
Watch out: Just intubation and ventilator therapy might kill them!

More information:
1. Favism, a genetic disorder (https://www.britannica.com/science/favism)
2. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (the world's most common enzyme deficiency)

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