Here's the latest from Sandro Magister: The Pope Against Masses on TV: "This Is Not the Church"
So what?
Back when plagues were plagues, maybe? Of course things haven't changed much in Italy, it seems. I'm sorry, but there is no comparison, even if there is precedent (which must be contextualized). There is no pandemic right now except the illusory one concocted by the WHO and its oligarch backers. Back then there was no billion dollar vaccine business paid for by the taxpayers of Western nations for generations. Oregon currently has less than 100 deaths (if the numbers are to be believed, predominantly comorbid elderly) but millions of unemployed. Defrauding the worker is also a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance. The U.S. constitution requires just compensation for a governmental taking. This is a massive injustice that is morphing into a proxy war against the healthy population (we the Leper Colony of asymptomatic carriers of death). If a man won't work, let him not eat. Such was the conviction of St. Paul. Saints are remembered for their heroic charity and as witnesses to the truth, not especially for their knowledge of the physical sciences, in particular microbiology and virology.
Here, another timely accord:
I am so angry right now I could spit.
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