Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wodarg's Updated Q&A

At this point much of my blogging "work" has involved reproducing the content on Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg's website, because I think he remains one of the very few experts who is asking the right questions and coming to the most reasonable conclusions. Even those scientists and doctors who are doing their part to put this year's flu wave into the proper perspective seem to accept several underlying assumptions, the most important of which is the alleged novelty of the corona virus (SARS-CoV2) and the disease which it causes, COVID-19.

Because of his vital role in denouncing the H1N1 swine flu pandemic as a hoax, Dr. Wodarg is correct to name the WHO as the bad actor once again. It is the age-old tale of corruption and fraud.

Without further ado, here is the Q&A from (translated using Google, with my emphasis):

1. Have you encountered specific types of fraudulent behaviour in your system, related to this crisis
2. Have you made a risk analysis to be prepared for fraudulent behaviour, related to this crisis?

Sorry, but more and more I have the impression, that the Covid-19 alert is a an agenda based on fraud.

Obviously there is no extraordinary risk coming from viruses. But there are very severe consequences in regard to depression, isolation and neglectance of frail people who get worse and die because the don't get the support they are dependent on.

Viruses are new each year and there are victims in flu seasons each year. Each year coronoviruses have their share of about 5-15% of it. We just did not count and test it! There were more in 2016/17 and there also were very big problems in hospitals in some of our member countries. As an epidemiologist I was examining the (H1N1) Swineflu fake in 2009/2010 for the Council of Europe and we detected the institutional corruption within WHO/OMS.

Virologists are the fear mongers again, telling us about dangerous genetic shifts and drifts.

What if the "in-house tests", that they provide, to indicate the spread of the virus, turns out not to be specific enough? It is already reported, also to detect SARS subtypes in bats, tigers and dogs? But those are viruses that are circulating years before the recent Alarm in Wuhan.

The alarmists just don't speak about immunology, about children who are made to experience hundreds of new viruses in kindergartens every year and about the importance of herd immunity. (See Prof. Knut Wittkowski)

Mongering their unapproved tests and dangerous pandemic drugs or vaccinations, they need our fear to urge and to avoid evidence-based examination of risk and benefit.

We now experience a much worse consequence of institutional corruption than in 2009 or before. This should be a main topic for all fighting corruption and fraud.

3. I am curious what you think about different numbers of deaths in connection with COVID-19 for example in Germany versus Italy.
If there would really be a new and dangerous virus, it would be equally dangerous in every city and every country.

In those places, where fear and panic is shaping the behaviour of patients and medical professionals, there we see the biggest damage.

Important is, that most of the patients that died, are very old and over 90 % had severe other illnesses they died from. In Hamburg (about 2 Mio. inhabitants) every patient, who died with a positive test is examined by pathologists. Up to now, not a single case was found to die from Covid-19. (Prof. Püschel)

In regions, where the treatment is less aggressive (no immediate ventilators and ICU but palliative care and, if necessary, oxygen) even more old people with dispnoe [shortness of breath] recover.

From New York I see the consequences of a health system, that is built to earn money. I am very sorry for the poor, old and frail people in that brutal system. All official information coming from US seems to be flawed by political strategies of the candidates before election. Some direct voices of doctors also give witness of inadequate treatment procedures especially for old patients.

I am very much concerned,

1. that it is possible to use not officially validated PCR-tests for Coronaviruses;

2. that the "danger" is defined on a molecular level instead on public health and epidemiological data;

3. that we have WHO/OMS which is run by earmarked money from B&M Gates foundation and similar interests;

4. that there are no open discussions in official media nor questions from parliaments about the indication and effectiveness of lockdown and social distancing;

5. that herd immunity is weakened by closing schools and kindergartens although there is not any evidence, that children's health could be more endangered by any virus than usually;

6. that Bill Gates announced in state television in Germany, that "we" (who?) are preparing a "fast track vaccine to vaccinate 7 billion people" (we know "them" from the swine flu case!)

But your question was about the regional/national differences in number and severeness of cases attributed to Covid 19.

In extended my answer a little bit ;-) because I wanted to point out some factors, that not only in Italy might give reason to what we observe, or better, what we are presented by media.

I hope that we can stop this nightmare.

An Amusing Update from Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

As usual, I quote Dr. Wodarg verbatim but roughly translated:

The cat is out of the bag!

As early as mid-February 2020, I had recommended testing the Drosten test for its informative value using a very simple method: "Test your cat!"

If the test also reacts positively in animals, then it is also positive for many irrelevant viruses and is worthless for the assessment of a health risk for humans.

Now that two domestic cats are positive after tigers, dogs and lions in New York, those responsible and their "fact checkers" have to decide:

Do you want to continue listening to the Drosten fairy tales and ruin the country, or do you finally see that you get involved in contradictions, get more and more confused and make yourself ridiculous? The crowned flu is over! The happy month of May is coming!

We could still make us laugh about it later.

That is why more and more people are right to demand from all those responsible in governments and the opposition: Prevent further damage and further suffering through senseless compulsory masking, social distancing, informant climate, granny leave, football, party or beach bans.

We don't have to get used to such a "new normality." If you want to force-vaccinate us first (against what?), there is no longer any reason to laugh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Guidelines for in vitro tests for the diagnosis of COVID-19

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg writes:
"It is a paper from the EU Commission that is very revealing in terms of the informative value of the tests currently used. . . . By the time there are clinically useful tests, we should all be tested, if possible. The federal government 'is currently planning a new comprehensive legislative package at a rapid pace to enable 4.5 million corona tests per week soon.' Even if clinically unusable, the test appears to be of great political importance."

I quote the following pertinent excerpts, with my emphasis (source here):

Official Journal of the European Union
Guidelines on COVID-19 in vitro diagnostic tests and their performance
(2020/C 122 I/01)

* * * *
4.   Considerations on test performance
      . . . .
The Commission, Member States and stakeholders should consider what are the critical aspects of device performance specific to COVID-19 on which a common approach should be taken.
For example, for RT-PCR tests, this could be the identification of stable target sequences (i.e. genetic fragments characteristic of SARS-CoV-2 virus to be detected). With every new patient infected, the virus may change (mutate) and these mutations in turn may render a particular test less effective, or even ineffective. It is therefore important that the mutation profile of the virus is monitored and that on that basis a particular RT-PCR approach is used. . . .
5.   Validation of test performance
As explained above, the manufacturer evaluates the performance of the device in accordance with the intended purpose before placing the device on the market.
However, especially given the rapid development of the pandemic, the performance of the device may vary in practice in comparison to the performance study the manufacturer has done for the purposes of CE-marking. Therefore, it is highly recommended to carry out additional validation of the clinical performance of tests for COVID-19 by comparison with a reference method in a sufficiently large number of target population subjects before introducing the devices into the clinical routine. Scientific peer-reviewed results for the clinical validation of commercial COVID-19 tests are highly recommended before they can be safely and reliably used for medical or public health decision making. Validation refers to confirmation that the test achieves the performance levels specified by the manufacturer.
       . . . .
Scarcity of reference methods and materials poses difficulties for these validation studies, and also for the evaluation of device performance by manufacturers. The Commission’s Joint Research Centre has recently developed a positive control material for RT-PCR tests which is available to laboratories in Europe. Seroconversion panels and positive sample panels are examples of further materials that are needed. Another issue currently is the lack of publicly available comparator data, which makes it difficult to compare the performance of devices. External quality assessment schemes could be one way to generate such data. The ECDC (4) and the WHO (17) are already in process of organising an external quality assessment scheme for RT-PCR tests.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Legal Action against Tyranny (Updated 6/10/2020)

If it doesn't affect you and your holy indifference, it's no big deal, right? How very Christian of you.



May 18, 2020 - The French Council of State (1) orders the immediate cessation of surveillance by drones and, regarding religious assemblies, (2) orders the Prime Minister to lift the ban on assembly in places of worship, calling it a "serious and manifestly unlawful interference" with freedom of religion, and instead to take less restrictive measures.

May 13, 2020 - Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Tony Evers' stay-at-home order that closed businesses, schools to limit spread of coronavirus (link to the court's opinion)


May 18, 2020 - Oregon Judge Nixes Oregon Governor’s Coronavirus-Related Restrictions on Religious Gatherings (link to written opinion) (STAY granted)



June 10, 2020 - Lawmakers vote to end Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 emergency disaster, but Gov. Wolf says it’s not over
May 14, 2020 - 2 Pacific City motels sue Tillamook County, alleging coronavirus emergency shutdowns unwarranted
May 6, 2020 - Basically unconstitutional (the situation in Germany)
May 4, 2020 - Jewish Worshippers Flee from Police and Catholic Mass Forbidden as New Jersey Bans Religious Gatherings (link to complaint filed in federal court)
May 3, 2020 - “NAZI-LIKE MEASURES” Kansas City Orders Churches to Turn Over Membership Lists
April 20, 2020 - Connecticut attorney sues governor over face-mask mandate

Monday, April 20, 2020

Magister making excuses

Here's the latest from Sandro Magister: The Pope Against Masses on TV: "This Is Not the Church"

So what?

Back when plagues were plagues, maybe? Of course things haven't changed much in Italy, it seems. I'm sorry, but there is no comparison, even if there is precedent (which must be contextualized). There is no pandemic right now except the illusory one concocted by the WHO and its oligarch backers. Back then there was no billion dollar vaccine business paid for by the taxpayers of Western nations for generations. Oregon currently has less than 100 deaths (if the numbers are to be believed, predominantly comorbid elderly) but millions of unemployed. Defrauding the worker is also a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance. The U.S. constitution requires just compensation for a governmental taking. This is a massive injustice that is morphing into a proxy war against the healthy population (we the Leper Colony of asymptomatic carriers of death). If a man won't work, let him not eat. Such was the conviction of St. Paul. Saints are remembered for their heroic charity and as witnesses to the truth, not especially for their knowledge of the physical sciences, in particular microbiology and virology.

Here, another timely accord:

I am so angry right now I could spit.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Support Citizen Journalists and Documentaries

Statement by OVALmedia:

A few days ago, Vimeo deleted our Documentary Feature trustWHO, directed by Lilian Franck, from their platform, stating that they do not support “Videos that depict or encourage self-harm, falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.”

Friday, April 17, 2020

Tidbits for the Thoughtful

I present for your consideration, dear thoughtful reader, the following quotations (roughly translated, with my emphasis) from Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.

1. Zoonosis-Hypothesis
PCR cannot prove that SARS-CoV2 is new. And the importance of the genetic distance between two types of virus is completely open. For the zoonotic hypothesis of SARS-CoV2, which is important for an increased pathogenicity (no time for adaptation), there is not the slightest proof, only guesswork. 
There is also the question of why > 85% of confirmed cases show no or only mild symptoms in a new pathogen? This suggests that large parts of the population are adapted to the pathogen, which speaks against a new pathogen.

2. Cause of Symptoms
There are a large number of viral pathogens that can cause mild or severe respiratory diseases, such as flu viruses. In all cases, this would have to be verified with PCR, or not, to exclude it. However, if you only look for SARS-CoV2 with PCR, you will only find that or assign SARS-CoV2. It cannot be said whether it is (exclusively) the cause of the respiratory disease. The flu virus continues to exist. You can't tell from the fever or cough what pathogen it was. Molecular diagnosis is difficult. This is also because quantification of the viral load with PCR is very error-prone. The tremendous sensitivity of PCR can amplify even the tiniest amounts, a few viruses per ml. These are amounts that are so small.

3. Therapy more deadly than the virus?
In the meantime, largely unnoticed by the public, the test protocols for SARS-CoV2 have been adapted. Obviously, because you already know so much. Right from the start there were doubts about the quality of the PCR tests. That was already the case in China. Mainly because neither RKI nor Dr. Drosten could provide evidence of specificity or sensitivity. 
. . . . 
Now individual laboratories have gone further and only test for "corona viruses", no matter what type. This is a reaction to existing problems and presumably receives more positive results over a longer period of time, since the different virus variants are not always on the move at the same time.


Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Asymptomatic Carrier of Death (Proxy Wars)

By now those who are keenly aware of the Culture Wars and the tactics of our enemies will discern in the present state of things yet another diabolical lie—an inversion and rejection of reality, coupled with the musings of virologists who are the new writers of scientific dogma. It is only natural that dissenters and those who think deeply, even with the most common sense, are branded as heretics, pandemic deniers, "covidiots," and so on. For man is naturally a religious creature.

Until the latest superstition went viral, the last great enlistment of proxy warriors came from strange and unexpected quarters: men and and women with the horrendous psychological illness which leads them to deny their biological sex, a psycho-social phenomenon (now an empowered political movement) that is as anti-science as the theory of a flat earth. Because it is based on a grievous lie and injustice, the so-called transgender movement is a danger not only to those men and women who suffer from gender dysphoria, but to all humanity, as can be clearly seen in the rampant and horrifying child abuse taking place as "woke" parents are—without any liability or social stigma, thanks to the heresiarchs who are protected by the world's empires—experimenting socially and even medically on their own children as the notorious Dr. Mengele once did to the Jews. What we have learned from this movement, as with all the others, is that the enemy is a liar (our Lord tells us so); the enemy turns the tables on reality, so to speak, by changing the meaning of language with the help of the pseudosciences and powerful private interests, the oligarchs. Thus the campaign of social engineering has dared to tell us, lest we be defamed as hateful bigots, that we must respect a person's choice of pronouns, that we are now required, under pain of sin and the loss of our livelihoods, to address such persons as they fancy themselves—not according to the plain truth, but according to error. Witness how even those who merely wish to be polite and respectful of others (and who do not fear to sin against the Truth) are swept up into the gravest of evils and contribute to the breakdown of society.

Applying this revolutionary principle to the present situation, the following becomes plain to all with eyes to see: that the so-called "asymptomatic carrier," in other words a healthy human being, is now made into a grave threat to other (mis)identified groups, viz., the immuno-compromised and next to these the very elderly who are at the end of their lives. Thus, as with the push to socially and (they hope, legally) mandate the use of gender-diverse pronouns, so now these same liars and do-gooders wish with all their heart to compel the widespread use of "personal protective equipment," notably face masks, in everyday life, and those of us who even question this as excessive or flat out refuse to wear a mask are accused of gross negligence toward the elderly, and even manslaughter. Certainly many will be forced to wear them or risk losing their jobs, of which there are so few working these days at any rate.

As with the AIDS epidemic, where a group of individuals were lied to and given license to engage in immoral, unhealthy behavior, rather than truth and education, so now the oligarchs and the enemies of humanity are running the same play. Accordingly, the healthy population (i.e., almost all of us) are being sacrificed for the sake of those who are unwell and sick due to an unexceptional virus. No doubt this sacrifice, if undertaken by individuals voluntarily and out of true charity, as our Lord did for sinners, can be a grace for the world. Charity, however, is not contrary to justice, which must rule men and nations. Man precedes the state, as one pope has said, and man must provide for the needs of his own body and that of his family (hence the etymology of the misused and misunderstood term economy). If a man does not work, let him not eat; such was the conviction of the Blessed Apostle Paul.

In particular, therefore, let it be a task for religious men and women who already have vowed to live a life of poverty (perhaps now this vow can be realized) and who already and freely practice self-isolation from the world, in order to perfect themselves, pray and sacrifice for sinful humanity. The present worldwide emergency can therefore be an opportunity for the rise of religion, strictly speaking. But to "quarantine" the healthy is a grave abuse of both language and the people! It is unjust. For man must not do evil that good may come.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Logos Rising, our Easter Blessing in Disguise

I have to say the demonstrations in Ohio and Michigan (and earlier this week in Berlin) have been heartwarming and inspiring. In my view, this is the only "ecumenism" that is worth anything—the love of truth and freedom, the desire to be free from tyranny, to work for our families and raise our children, and our total contempt for the corrupt traditions of men and their constant and vicious lies. "Since man is a social animal," writes St. Thomas Aquinas, "one man naturally owes another whatever is necessary for the preservation of human society. Now it would be impossible for men to live together, unless they believed one another, as declaring the truth one to another. Hence the virtue of truth does, in a manner, regard something as being due" (ST, II-II, Q.109, art. 3). Indeed, and the truth has long been overdue, and the Lord of History is come to settle accounts. I would literally fight to the death (if it came to that) alongside the most theologically ignorant Protestant who is "woke" to this massive injustice on our fellow human beings.

Though there are signs of hope here and there, and the United States perhaps more than any other nation possesses the cultural diversity to withstand, legally and politically, the new world order that is coming, I am of the opinion that nothing will be the same after this. I believe we are living through the early stages of one of those pivotal human events, a momentous shift and radical reordering of civilization, like what happened to Imperial Rome and later to Christendom. Let us not forget that to defraud the laborer of his wages is also a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance; and together with all the others (as though abortion alone wasn't enough), there is nothing to hold back God's judgment on a wicked and perverse generation. And after the final destruction and breakdown of the social order, the Mystical Body, which lives forever, will have to rebuild the City of Man in the spirit of St. Benedict, to bind its wounds in the spirit of St. Francis, and to banish all superstitions once again, especially that last and terrifying superstition that death is the end.

On a final note, Dr. Wodarg recently shared this very insightful article on "how liberal democrats deal with the corona virus." There is no better evidence that liberalism and democracy have failed, and was bound to failure, than the present worldwide calamity.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dr. Wodarg - Important Updates (aka leeches)

In light of anecdotal evidence that the illness named COVID-19 is not caused by a seasonal viral pneumonia (i.e., a common corona virus) (see here), Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg writes the following:
I recommend an immediate stop and a thorough reconsideration of the use of chloroquine and high doses of vitamin-C for treatment or prophylaxis of Covid-19!
A young Dr. in an intensive care unit (ICU) in New York made an important observation.  
He experienced several patients, that did not show any typical symptoms of pneumonia but nevertheless they were extremely breathless (dyspnoeic) and cyanotic (blue skin). "They were no Covid-19 patients, they looked like passengers of an airplane at high altitude loosing pressure."

My warning follows my following observations:
Chroroquine and high doses of vitamin-C are known to damage the function of erythrocytes in case of a lack of Glucose-6-phosphat-Dehydrogenase (G6PD-Mangel/ Favism), which is the most frequent enzyme-defect worldwide.
It is inherited and the responsible genes are located on the X-chromosome.
As women have two X-chromosomes one of them might be ok. and they are less vulnerable.
Men only have one X-chromosome and are endangered more, if this carries the defect.
Most of the carriers of this genetic defect are found in countries where malaria is, or used to be endemic.
So citizens with ancestors from such regions are endangered to suffer from a lack of oxygene and dyspnoea when taking chloroquine derivates or high doses of vitamin-C.
It is likely, that this effect is more frequent in countries with higher prevalence of favism and in regions with many migrants from those countries. 
Watch out: Just intubation and ventilator therapy might kill them!

More information:
1. Favism, a genetic disorder (
2. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (the world's most common enzyme deficiency)

We the People! (protests rising) (updated 5/19/20)

Dr. Jeffrey Barke, Newport Beach, CA

(Lansing, MI, 4/30/20)

(Lansing, MI, 4/30/20)

(Germany, "Ignorance Meditation")



(Lansing, MI)


Friday, April 10, 2020

About the Drosten Test (Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg)

More good questions by Dr. Wodarg (roughly translated from German):

A tiger in the New York zoo was recently infected by the zookeeper with SARS-CoV-2. How can a test supposedly detect the different SARS viruses of European bats (Drosten), dogs (Hong Kong), tigers (New York) and humans (worldwide) that have been changing and spreading worldwide for many years, are specifically named for the detection of a SARS-CoV-2 that is said to be only four months old?
The tests now used everywhere ("not approved for diagnostic purposes") are specific for SARS CoV X - B viruses and not validated as medical devices.
* X stands for the countless SARS-like corona viruses that have been widespread in many species and in humans worldwide for years.
* B names those in which the responsible virologists did not find the test sequences they were looking for with the PCR test.
The family tree of SARS-like viruses is certainly older than virology and it is probably not a tree either, but a network of mutually changing microorganisms that has been constantly changing for longer than there are humans due to the pressure to adapt to new immunities.

Given the poor translation (I'm using Google Translate), Wodarg's argument is a little difficult to understand, but I think it goes something like this. The corona virus is nothing new (it must have been around for a long time).

NOTE: From the abstract of the above-cited study by C. Drosten et al., the following are the reported methods and results, which Dr. Wodarg disputes:
Methods: Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology. 
Results: The workflow reliably detects 2019-nCoV, and further discriminates 2019-nCoV from SARS-CoV. Through coordination between academic and public laboratories, we confirmed assay exclusivity based on 297 original clinical specimens containing a full spectrum of human respiratory viruses. Control material is made available through European Virus Archive – Global (EVAg), a European Union infrastructure project.

Truth as Justice (and the malice of lying)

Objection 1. It seems that truth is not a part of justice. For it seems proper to justice to give another man his due. But, by telling the truth, one does not seem to give another man his due, as is the case in all the foregoing parts of justice. Therefore truth is not a part of justice.

. . . .

Reply to Objection 1. Since man is a social animal, one man naturally owes another whatever is necessary for the preservation of human society. Now it would be impossible for men to live together, unless they believed one another, as declaring the truth one to another. Hence the virtue of truth does, in a manner, regard something as being due.

(St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologia, II-II, Q.109, art. 3)

Article 4. Whether every lie is a mortal sin?

I answer that . . . . If, however, the false signification be about something the knowledge of which affects a man's good, for instance if it pertain to the perfection of science or to moral conduct, a lie of this description inflicts an injury on one's neighbor, since it causes him to have a false opinion, wherefore it is contrary to charity, as regards the love of our neighbor, and consequently is a mortal sin. 

(II-II, Q.110)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Apostle of Common Sense (GKC)

When the world next tries persecution seriously it will probably be under some new name or with some new excuse. There are many strictly modern things which could be used very easily as instruments for suppressing opinion. For instance — doctors.
(G.K. Chesterton, Illustrated London News - March 30, 1907)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

An insightful comment from SONJA (roughly translated)

SONJA, April 6, 2020, 11:20 PM
Please log in to reply

Again an analysis that leaves nothing to be desired in terms of factual conciseness and logical sharpness - Multipolar, as the lawyer of the company, logs the inconsistencies and contradictions of the prevailing virus narrative down to the last minute - thanks for that!

Regarding the question of "cui bono" discussed in the comments, it always surprises me that the most obvious purpose is overlooked: billions in profits for pharmaceutical companies - first through the test developed by Drosten and colleagues, then through the threat of forced vaccination. Unlike other medicines, vaccines do not lose their patent after two years; once they are on the vaccination lists of the individual states, they are gold mines for the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture them. The taxpayer pays the vaccine doses and also pays for any vaccine damage, the pharmaceutical companies are expressly exempt from compensation payments.

The script of the "swine flu epidemic", which was never one, has revealed the procedure: the vaccine Pandemrix from the company GlaxoSmithKline was sold to governments around the world for billions after the epidemic was declared, many vaccinated people suffered serious side effects, in addition to facial paralysis and brain infections, narcolepsy occurred 'Serious autoimmune disorders of the sleep-wake rhythm', which often lead to disability and are still difficult to treat to this day. In May 2016 the Swedish government decided to compensate those affected with up to one million euros, maybe that's one reason why Sweden is leaving the current pandemic policy. At that time, Dr. Wodarg the population from forced vaccinations.

Today there is a new vaccine on the horizon. Bill Gates, known to be one of the largest donors to the WHO, who has also invested huge fortunes in vaccine-producing pharmaceutical companies, is already calling for mass vaccine production -mass production-of-corona-vaccine-16706825.html and Drosten and Lauterbach lowering the safety standards for vaccines .

Thanks to massive propaganda, vaccinations have an unjustified reputation, and the dangers that these major interventions in a healthy immune system pose are systematically denied or downplayed. Personally, the expected profit from a vaccine sold worldwide doesn't seem too banal a motive for what is happening; But above all, the greatest current danger seems to me - even before the loss of our democracy, our humanity and economic prosperity - is the danger of forced vaccinations, because many things can be cured again, but an immune system that has been thrown off the railroad can usually no longer be.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Voices of Reason and Prudence (Updated 5/26/20)

Professor Sunetra Gupta

Professor Karol Sikora

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - In English

The Bakersfield Doctors

Professor Hendrik Streeck

Swedish expert Prof. Johan Giesecke

(Dr. Jay Bhattacharya)

(Prof. Knut Wittkowski)

Dr. John Ioannidis

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi

Friday, April 3, 2020

We the People: Taking the Media Back! (Updated 4/20/20)

(Ventilator shortage?!)

(God be with you — so edifying)

(Empty Hospitals)

(Empty Hospitals)

(Empty Hospitals)

(Empty Hospitals)

(Empty Hospitals)

(3/3/2020 - warning: Some bad language)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Dangers of Scientific Heresies

But the spiritual man judgeth all things; and he himself is judged of no man.

(1 Cor 2:15)


Christian civilization proceeded, step by step, carefully but fraught with uprisings and great consequences for humanity, along the lines of the great christological questions of the day, and concomitantly of the pressing questions in philosophy and especially metaphysics which needed to be reconciled to the Church's faith. Later, as the foundations of the faith were settled by the great (and largely forgotten) Councils, in communion with the civil authorities, more nuanced issues arose for discussion among theologians and Christian philosophers—the great Scholastics, as we know them today—until these too were decided in a dogmatic fashion for the well-being of Christian civilization. For in the City of God, a unity of belief is not only a positive attribute, but also importantly a via negativa, that is, a spiritual defense against tyrants—a tyranny born of the "traditions of men," which is to say the generational persistence of error (institutionalized): these sins against the truth are false ideologies that infect the body politic and spread a deadly contagion which inevitably leads to the greatest human suffering if not timely cured by true repentance (i.e., a contrite confession of our error and a return to the Truth). For our holy Mother the Church understood from the very beginning of her salvific mission to the nations that theology, and by extension philosophy, spills into the moral and political order, with either good or evil consequences for individual human beings and the common good. It was Saint Paul's prophetic wish that "henceforth we be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive" (Eph 4:14.) Any human society that fails in its responsibility to adhere to the God of all Truth and of His Incarnate Word already begins to sow the seeds of its autodemolition. "Weep not for me," our Lord told those pious women living in the world, "but for your children."

A little lower than the angels

It is 2020 anno Domini and the whole world is groaning for redemption, not from our sins, but from the human corona virus, the fear of which has sparked and daily fuels the most draconian measures by the civil authorities to stop its spread. Nearly the whole of mankind is compelled to participate, in one way or another (most of us under house arrest), whether or not we believe the predictions of experts (our modern day astrologers). With the eyes of faith let us read the signs of the times.

Some five-hundred years ago society was transformed by a revolution of the state (that is to say, of man) against the Catholic Church known to popular history as the Protestant Reformation. It was anything but reform. In very truth it was the radical reordering of Christian society, of that principled (though not always peaceful) coexistence and communion of the Church and the State and likewise of faith and reason. What, therefore, has man wrought in his rebellion? Though the Catholic Church is so often maligned for holding back the progress of science, in the grave and frightening calamity now upon us we see clearly the terrible power of science unleashed, or so-called science, over mankind. An error in philosophy, where reason is supposed to reign supreme, is no less dangerous to humanity than an error of faith. Both are material heresies in the widest sense. So also with scientific errors, and when the study of any given science yields to corruption and the influence of private interests—the traditions of men—the result is a stifling dogmatic scientism that is inherently immune from criticism, and ruthless toward its adversaries. Unlike in Christendom, where the Church (like Tolkien's ents) helped to slow and, at times, disrupt the progress of scientism, our post-Christian civilization is incapable of defending itself against both the malice and the ignorance of scientific men. Seen in this light one can discern the now-ancient error of going our own way, that is, our public infidelity and rejection of the only "Way" of salvation, as God in the flesh has told us. We are without excuse.

One of the worst consequences of this rejection of the Church is that the State is now subject, not to the just rule of law in view of the common good, but to a multiplicity of private interests as so many unchecked theologians panting for their favorite innovation. As always these private interests, whom I name oligarchs and plutocrats, the "money changers," are enemies of the people, of the poor and common man and the very same to whom our Lord preached His gospel; and who in very truth are spiritual creatures destined for glory. Nonetheless, men are easily deceived by that which is seen and heard (the remedy for this form of pride is the Eucharist!) and so often burdened with the weight of sins, thus ensuring their spiritual blindness in perpetuity. "For there shall be a time," writes the holy bishop Timothy, "when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables" (2 Tim 4:3-4).

The voice of one (et al.) crying in the wilderness

One is a mystical type, and in the present worldwide calamity there is one Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who I consider a genius, if only because he asks the right questions, and something of a modern-day Duns Scotus (of blessed renown). Of course there are a few others who, with similar credentials and expertise, and upon their honor, have publicly dissented from the growing hysteria. I am thinking in particular of the eminent Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, who has echoed much of Dr. Wodarg's criticisms and has written an important open letter to the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Another astute observer, the Argentine-French virologist Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt, who emphatically states: "Our planet is the victim of a new sociological phenomenon, scientific-media harassment, triggered by experts only on the basis of laboratory molecular diagnostic analysis results." These brave men are our Galileos and true friends of humanity.

Dr. Wodarg critiques virology (still in its infancy) as a quack science, or we may say a fledgling science corrupted by scientism. Its adherents, as Dr. Wodarg points out in his writings, are engaging in phylogenetic speculations in a myopic game of ancestry. And these speculations (e.g., the species of the "novel" corona virus) were accepted without reservation, without examination even, by most Western governments and their oracles in the media, and so became the dogmatic fables that are now propelling the alarming reaction to a growing "pandemic" (another unscientific term) of seasonal flu-like illnesses.

In one of his short but fascinating articles, Dr. Wodarg curiously writes about sovereignty. Like Scotus, the argument Wodarg makes is a rather subtle one, I would say even metaphysical in its orientation because it is a humble, honest reminder that the end of all science is knowledge.
"Determining the cause of a disease is usually a very complex process that involves an in-depth and controversial discussion before agreeing (!) what the current state of science is. At least it should be like that. With SARS-CoV2 it took a few weeks. It gives the impression that one has been waiting for a second SARS chance for years."
Note the word cause, so grand in the history of philosophy. Wodarg continues:
The mood in biomedicine is like this. Everything that seems dangerous to fatal drives research forward. And research is always good. Can you ever know that [sic] enough? However, instead of creating knowledge, it is often enough to only reach a somewhat contradictory consensus. That doesn't bother anyone as long as the research billions and profits flow.
Now here at least is an honest man, and therefore a trustworthy guide during the present revolutionary crisis caused by the scientific heresy. Dr. Wodarg concludes as follows:
It does not matter that healthy people also carry many different viruses, some with vital tasks (human virome). Nor does it matter that many types of virus and strains are not pathogenic. To differentiate, one simply assumes ultra-specific methods. Dr. [Christian] Drosten, the SARS (co)discoverer, has benefited disproportionately from these circumstances in the past.  
There are good scientific standards. And haste doesn't produce quality. Science, and thus politics, is now running after that. It is easier to discredit valid arguments than fake news.
In other words, some standards are necessary for science to succeed in its work, but these same standards, so limited in scope and often built around working assumptions, are intrinsically meaningful only for those whose work they inform, for they are the traditions of men. As such, they are an arcane language that is foreign to the practice of other disciplines, especially law and politics, which are sovereign in their own right and operate on their own set of scientific principles, not to mention super-proprietary assumptions.

Scientism therefore produces its own propaganda, which is interpreted by the bewildered masses using the revolutionary principle of sola scriptura, which multiplies errors and produces neither knowledge nor unity, but rather ignorance and division. In times of acute crisis, when man is most in need of the truth that sets him free, these two vices (viz., ignorance and division) result in a fearful and belligerent populace that is all too eager to relinquish basic freedoms in exchange for security and false hope (i.e., false messiahs). Among practitioners, however, many are found to be innocent, namely, the expert ignoramus, who is bred to interpret his own work and all the external data, including the matrix of human knowledge, within a closed system—or school—of his choosing. "The mood in biomedicine is like this," Wodarg observes. (The same has occurred in the historic feuds between certain Catholic schools of theology to the detriment of their Queen.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"About sovereignty" by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (excerpt)

About sovereignty
Determining the cause of a disease is usually a very complex process that involves an in-depth and controversial discussion before agreeing (!) what the current state of science is. At least it should be like that. With SARS-CoV2 it took a few weeks. It gives the impression that one has been waiting for a second SARS chance for years. 
The mood in biomedicine is like this. Everything that seems dangerous to fatal drives research forward. And research is always good. Can you ever know that enough? However, instead of creating knowledge, it is often enough to only reach a somewhat contradictory consensus. That doesn't bother anyone as long as the research billions and profits flow.

It does not matter that healthy people also carry many different viruses, some with vital tasks (human virome). Nor does it matter that many types of virus and strains are not pathogenic. To differentiate, one simply assumes ultra-specific methods. Dr. Drosten, the SARS (co) discoverer, has benefited disproportionately from these circumstances in the past.

There are good scientific standards. And haste doesn't produce quality. Science, and thus politics, is now running after that. It is easier to discredit valid arguments than fake news.


Signs of the End of the Age

As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. 
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

(Matthew 24)