Monday, May 4, 2020

"Der Krieg gegen einen Joker" by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

I bring you the following writing, roughly translated with minor edits, published May 4, 2020, by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Read and reflect.—ed.

5/8/2020 update: Dr. Wodarg has posted an English version:

The war against a wild card ["Joker"]

The pharmaceutical industry and its virologists are currently trying, for transparent reasons, to define the pathogen SARS-CoV2 as a stable enemy. For the "war against the virus" you need the danger in the form of a barbed ball. A "corona-free world" is the declared goal of the vaccine-obsessed Bill Gates and his political friends. Also with regard to a possible vaccination, people try to talk us into the illusion of a clearly definable opponent in the world of viruses. Because that is the prerequisite for the business with the testing and the state enforcement of a worldwide vaccine-free [sic] vaccine manufacturer. Today, on May 4th, 2020 there will be an online donor conference on "Creating a corona-free world"

From a scientific point of view, all of these efforts — to put it mildly — are dangerous wrong turns. I'm not talking about the profiteers of this madness here.

Life is not trivial and calculable

It is completely certain that the SARS virus is also changing continuously and at great speed. And what is the use of vaccination against something that has long since changed incalculably?

Our immune system also reacts unpredictably. Cross immunities? Immune memory? The specificity and informative value of tests quickly fades. Likewise the effect of a vaccine.

Therefore, proof of immunity is a farce and, if it should become law, a health bullying that cannot be justified.

For the same reason, mass vaccinations against respiratory viruses are a risky nonsense and possibly physical injury. With rapidly changing pathogens, as with influenza vaccination, vaccination success is a matter of luck. Only afterwards can it be determined whether the vaccinated were better off than the non-vaccinated. This remains a good deal, since an evidence-based prior benefit assessment will of course never be possible. So far, it has also been the case that other viruses are happy and spread where a virus has made life more difficult through vaccination.

The Wuhan viruses have long been a thing of the past.

It is about the extremely high mutation rate of RNA viruses, which also includes SARS-CoV2.

The rate is impressively demonstrated by the website CoV-Glue, "Amino acid analysis for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic", which for SARS-CoV2 in a very short period of about 4 months.
  • 7237 non-synonymous, ie amino acid mutations (replacements),
  • 6 insertions (insertion of additional bases) and
  • 87 deletions (absence of bases in the gene sequence) in found gene sequences.
This is for a genome that only consists of approximately 30,000 bases, an enormous number of mutations, insertions and deletions in a very short time. And that's just the data from a few thousand SARS-CoV2 viruses that have been sequenced. Nature knows many, many more.

Non-synonymous mutations cause other amino acids to be incorporated into the virus proteins. This changes the chemical properties of these proteins. These mutations accumulate within weeks (!), As the data show.

Insertions and deletions are of particular importance since they can lead to a frame shift in which the entire chain is read differently. Synonymous mutations are added, which do not change the primary structure of the SARS-CoV2 proteins, but can nevertheless play a role in diagnostics. There are also many unanswered questions about other effects of synonymous mutations.

Zweifeln am PCR Test, bestanden von Anfang an: Li et al., “Stability Issues of RT-PCR Testing of SARS-CoV-2 for Hospitalized Patients Clinically Diagnosed with COVID-19.”, J Med Virol. 2020 Mar 26. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25786.

Snapshots of an infinite story

Another important point is that the SARS-CoV2 viruses sequenced so far show an extremely small section of nature. In relation to the total genome of all corona viruses in all humans, this section is of little importance. One should also not forget that there are not only SARS-CoV2, but also other human corona viruses — and they mutate too. Otherwise you wouldn't have ended up with the SARS-CoV2 virus at some point.

Computer analyzes, for example on the pedigree of SARS-CoV2 (phylogenetic analysis), are very problematic based on this extremely small section of nature as it exists today. The last 15 years have hardly been considered corona viruses, neither in humans nor in animals. The vast majority of the coronavirus gene sequences in the databases date from the last 4 months or are 15 years old.

Die Kritik daran ist nicht neu, insbesondere an der sehr inhomogenen geographischen Verteilung der gefundenen Gensequenzen, vgl. Mavian et al, “Regaining perspective on SARS-CoV-2 molecular tracing and its implications”, medrxiv, 20.3.2020, : “However, in a new tree inferred just one week later, when more than 135 new full genome sequences were made available on GISAID (Figure S2), the direct link between Germany and Italy has disappeared due to the additional clustering of previously unsampled sequences from Portugal, Brazil, Wales and Netherland (Figure 2b).

Zoonosis? An unnecessary concept of struggle, because man is also a zoon.

Some publications say that haplotypes (i.e. genetic patterns) of SARS-CoV2 have already disappeared, ie are no longer found in newly sequenced base sequences. SARS (1) has also disappeared a long time ago. Then what sense does a genetic distance between two gene sequences make?

But virology does what it has done for the past 30 years. She finds a viral gene sequence that she did not yet know and declares the newly discovered virus to be the death virus. In order for this to work, she needs the zoonosis hypothesis. You can't do without them!

Because only thanks to this hypothesis that a pathogen was passed from an animal host to humans in Wuhan in the fish market at the end of 2019 can one assume a general increase in pathogenicity (= an increased potential to make one sick). The pathogen is new to humans, which is why, unlike the original host animals, humans would not have had the opportunity to adapt to the new pathogen.

This procedure also works so well because one always starts from seriously ill patients, who then usually also suffer from several diseases (multimorbid), and do not test people with or with weak symptoms. And immediately you have the apparent proof that positive test and death go hand in hand.

As proof of this, Drosten, Wieler & Co. hold up two gene sequences, one from an animal corona virus and one from a human corona virus, and refer to the large genetic distance. This claim can be made so simply because there is no data for everything in between. Nobody has measured the necessary density of animal and human corona viruses in the past 15 years.

A very large number of SARS-CoV2 positive people show no or only mild symptoms. As a proportion of asymptomatic people who show no symptoms, 50-70% are mentioned. This is not possible without the immune system being prepared for the virus. This suggests continuous development up to SARS-CoV2 (and its many variants).

Whoever speaks of origin shows only where he started to think.

There are also increasingly phylogenetic analyzes that are trying to build a different family tree from the numerous different gene sequences, against the hypothesis SARS-CoV2 that new zoonoses emerged at the end of 2019.

Analyzes of this kind are problematic due to the very short sample period. However, there is currently nothing more. In addition, the zero point, i.e. the reference sequence against which mutations are assessed, is chosen arbitrarily. It was only in China that the new PCR test was started and the first gene sequences were generated there. Only then did they do that in other parts of the world. What is a forward and a back mutation is a relative statement in relation to the reference sequence. The supposed spread only reflects the geographical sequence of the tests. The panic makers at Johns Hopkins still use it elsewhere.

One should finally give up the picture of a "family tree" — the picture of recursive networks appears more appropriate.

The diversity of SARS-CoV2 is so great that clusters form even in small samples. It is no longer possible to clearly identify how the virus came to New York. See Gonzalez-Reiche et al., “Introductions and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the New York City area”, April 16, 2020., medxriv: “Phylogenetic analysis of 84 distinct SARS-CoV2 genomes indicates multiple, independent but isolated introductions mainly from Europe and other parts of the United States. Moreover, we find evidence for community transmission of SARS-CoV2 as suggested by clusters of related viruses found in patients living in different neighborhoods of the city.”

These clusters must have formed in the United States in the past 3 months. It is the SARS-CoV2 and everything that led to SARS-CoV2 is much older.

Alternative interpretations of the same data (!) from the gene databases suggest that SARS-CoV2 has been spreading in humans for 40+ years. See Chaw et al., "The origin and underlying driving forces of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak", April 14, 2020, bioxriv:
We have to point out that the TMRCA estimation is strongly influenced by the genome sampling scheme. Since the earliest available genome was sampled on 12/24/2019 almost one month after the outbreak, the real origin of the current outbreak may actually be earlier than our estimation.”
Assuming a synonymous substitution rate of 2.9x10-3/site/year, the recombination was estimated to have occurred approximately 40 years ago (95% HPD : 31-69 years; divergence time (t) = divergence (dS)/(substitution rate x 2 x 3), considering dS in RBD is 3-fold of genome average). The amino acids in the RBD region of the two genomes have been maintained by natural selection ever since, while synonymous substitutions have been accumulated. If this is true, SARS-CoV-2 may have circulated cryptically among humans for years before being recently noticed.”
These are very current evaluations and it remains to be seen whether this preprint will make it through the much-celebrated peer review process with which science “regulates” itself and the state of knowledge. [Editor's note: Humorous indeed! The Church's ents were much better at this!]

What glyphosate for the fields are antivirals for humans

[Editor's note: We will forgive him for his unphilosophical belief in evolutionism]

Viruses are probably as old as bacteria. The vertebrate immune system is the only one able to harmonize the body with the ever new virus variants. This is exactly what it was created in the context of evolution. The vertebrate group emerged about 500 million years ago and the concept of the immune system may be even older. The immune system of vertebrates, at the provisional end point of which humans stand, developed 500 million years in close contact with the viruses. But modern medicine regulates the immune response with the help of corticosteroids, as many COVID-19 treatment protocols, especially from the United States, show.

The industry is now promoting new medicines. Where are they used? 98% of the test positives show no or only mild symptoms. But the media uncritically mix test and infection, infection and symptomatic disease, symptomatic disease and death. The severely affected are on average 80+ and in the vast majority of cases suffer from severe previous illnesses. Nobody can say how many of them died as a result of premature ventilation. In the meantime, intensive care patients continue to be weaned from breathing, including fentanyl, otherwise artificial ventilation will not work. These patients wake up, if at all, as junkies. Katherine Ellen Foley, "Some drugs used to keep coronavirus patients on ventilators are in short supply”, Quartz, March 31, 2020.

The fear comes from the intensive care units, but what's going on there?

Intensive care medicine shows what it can do. In addition, there are medications such as Remdesivir, which has been too toxic for Ebola therapy and fails in further tests. Josh Farkas. „PulmCrit – Eleven reasons the NEJM paper on remdesivir reveals nothing”, April 11, 2020.

All doubts have not prevented flashing US-based Desdesivir from being used.

Or chloroquine and azithromycin combination therapies, which can lead to cardiac arrest in people with previous cardiovascular diseases. Or chloroquine monotherapy, which causes damage to red blood cells in people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is the most common hereditary genetic defect worldwide with an incidence in Africa of up to 20-30%. Countries with a high proportion of African people are particularly affected.

Wrong priorities and deceptive numbers

Everything was initiated by a ramshackle test, hasty measures and by no means justifiable trust in the minimal section of the evolutionary machine nature, which is stored in the gene databases.

Science and the policy it advises will continue to run after its self-made crisis. Although it is very doubtful that a virus that causes no (!) symptoms in 50-70% of those infected arrived in Europe exactly when the tests started, as some now believe using the curves of over-mortality want. And that in a patient population in which 40% of the intensive care patients needed direct care from the nursing home to the intensive care unit. See Matthias Thöns, "Very wrong priorities and all ethical principles violated", Deutschlandfunk, April 11, 2020:
"And we have to consider that the seriously ill COVID-19 sufferers, as the disease is called, are mostly very old, often ill people, 40 percent of whom come from nursing homes in need of severe care, and in Italy are from 2,003 deaths have only been three patients with no serious medical history. So it is a group that has traditionally and so far received more and more palliative care than intensive care medicine, and now a new illness is being diagnosed and you are making intensive care patients out of all these patients."
False alarms - a social autoimmune disease

In the current media climate and under the immense political pressure to justify the draconian measures and their consequences retrospectively, it is very doubtful that there will still be an independent scientific discussion on the zoonotic hypothesis of prudent risk assessment. For which research proposals will funding be granted?

Evolution has been going on for millions of years and in the past 20 years, virologists have conjured up new death viruses every 3-5 years that are supposed to threaten humans? MERS, SARS (1), SARS (2), swine flu, bird flu? It went really stupid.

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