Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Makes you wonder

Questions anyone is allowed to ask:

  • If the "novel" corona virus is supposedly so infections, that even being in the presence of a presymptomatic infected person who is breathing on you, or shakes your hand, or hugs you at church, or at the very worst picks his nose and then shakes your hand, then why does the PCR test require a deep nasal swab? One would think that a less invasive swab of the nose or mouth would be sufficient.
  • From the perspective of virology, are corona viruses observable in the laboratory only during the winter months (i.e., flu season), or can they be observed in their hosts via laboratory PCR year round? If the former, then logically any epidemic curve would rise and fall along a natural arc, regardless of social distancing or other interventions. If the latter, then it would seem to indicate a de minimus effect on seasonal flu-like illness and excess mortality.

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