Tuesday, May 26, 2020

"Fact check: PCR test" — a note for naive churchgoers from Dr. Wodarg

I quote verbatim using Google translate (with my emphasis):

With the number of SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests carried out, the number of those who test positive also increases. This is due to the fact that a test can also have false positive results. A test at a rate of 1.4% false positives would find about 3 people (2.8) in a church with 200 believers, which would then be used to quarantine the entire community to fight Covid-19
The PCR test now used everywhere is sufficient. Corona viruses do not have to be present in anyone in the church. If people in the church carried other coronaviruses that are far from being extinct, the false positive rate of the SARS-CoV-2 tests would multiply. Apart from the fact that even a real virus detection could not say anything about disease risks. [cf. Prof. Gupta, below.] The best way to tell whether you are getting sick is yourself.

Even if there were no SARS-CoV-2 virus infections in the population of Germany and all people in Germany were tested, the Tagesschau could shock us with the report that there were 1,148,000 Covid-19 infected people in Germany. With such tests, you no longer need a virus to maintain fear and terror in the population. You just have to use the expensive, meaningless tests enough times. And since you can make a lot of money with this test, the probability that something like this happens is quite high. 
If the testing continues, the world can expect permanent pandemics. The real causative agent of this pandemic is then not a microorganism, but the spreading blindness of the responsible scientists, journalists and political decision-makers.

China with its 1.4 billion inhabitants already showed the world at the beginning of March 2020 how to end the Covid-19 drama quickly and effectively: Just stop testing! (We don't test for the many other viruses either.)

The mathematician Klaus Pfaffelmoser published a very nice presentation of these relationships on May 24, 2020 at Multipolar.

Dr. Wodarg is not alone in his assessment that "cases" is a useless and stupid indicator. Professor Sunetra Gupta says the very same thing in the excellent interview below.

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