Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

I'm sharing this little reflection with you who are my closest friends, as well as all people of good will. At least I know that you won't hate me, even if you disagree. But dear friends, brothers and sisters in the faith, let us together read the signs of the times.

A reflection

What we are now witnessing around the world is the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. St. Jacinto Marto (who died from the Spanish flu) was the typos for what is now taking place, the "pandemic of mercy." For we know that our Lord will come with fire at the end times, but our beautiful Lady, she comes with eyes full of mercy! "Turn thine eyes of mercy toward us," we pray. Watch as she now sings her Magnificat, scattering the proud in their conceit. Babyl is crumbling from within, as did ancient Rome, and the Lord of History will be there with his flock to pick up the pieces and rebuild the City of God.

Yes, there will be adjustments, even civil strife and those who wish to profit or advance their mistaken agendas, just as there was no theological justification for the so-called Protestant Reformation, which ended the unity of Christendom.

Yet have we not all deserved this, this merciful punishment the whole world is now receiving?

"Grant, we beseech You, almighty God, that we who justly suffer for our sins may find relief in the help of Your grace." (Collect for the Fourth Sunday in Lent 2020, Laetare Sunday).

I pray it is the beginning of the end: the end of globalism; of liberalism; of capitalism, consumerism and individualism; of the public schools, which had become instruments of the gravest evils; of the real "social distancing" and "self-isolation" by which we do not even know our neighbors. It is the prophetic end of the servile state, especially the return of working mothers into the bosom of their families. In short, are not all these things, which are we now witnessing everywhere, the very modern evils that you and I have been critiquing and even praying would come to an end? In time even abortion must fall in this momentous hour.

By these signs of our changing life our Immaculate Lady is showing us how we are to live. See how our Lady comes to us dressed as Jonah.

The Pandemic of Mercy — A Blessing in Disguise

There are the facts, which are one thing, and there is the interpretation of them. Nearly all are swept up in the stampede, in this global hysteria prompted by fear and ignorance. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lone voice. And as we know from our sacred history, the voice of one crying in the wilderness is truly heard by only a few. Otherwise our Lord would not have been crucified.

Dear friends, the coronavirus is not a biological weapon, as some are too quick to believe; rather it is a weapon of our own making. May Almighty God bring the greatest possible good from this devastating illusion.

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